Academie Draconis

Dynamis - Maduin - Empyreum - Ward 9 - Plot 17

Dedicated to the history and study of dragons and all things related to dragons, Academie Draconis is a center for enlightenment and promotion of peace between dragonkind and all other peoples.Dragons have played a significant role in past and present events across the star; we seek both to remind people of this and to amass growing knowledge about them.

Note: The following may contain Story Spoilers through (and now beyond) Endwalker... as the FC rooms in our Museum may be "visual story spoilers" in some ways. Most of the content on this site is fan-fiction, not canon, but does often rely on canon to base the spin-off fan-fiction we've created here. We hope you enjoy it!


Scholars and researchers from around the star journey to the Academie for conferences, to bring in new artifacts and stories, and to piece together ancient puzzles regarding dragonkind. Some have gone to spend time with friendlier dragons, for firsthand knowledge. Others seek out and interview adventurers who've interacted with dragons, and those who've stumbled across new information.The Scions have graciously granted time for questions, as have Garlond Ironworks and other groups... but the one Scion especially sought for insights has proven most elusive, to the researchers' frustration. Lady Amelie suggested the Academie's kitchen might stock some dried squid as an enticement, but the head cook remains incalcitrant on the matter.

The Academie has a full working kitchen and tavern to service both researchers and guests (researchers are always hungry and always forgetting to eat); and we have now added guest facilities (bed and bath) for those who plan an extended stay.

Our upstairs conference room hosts not only academic meetings, classes, and seminars, but also occasionally Ishgardian and even world leaders come here to confer on relations with dragonkind.Currently our exhibit rooms cover many areas besides Coerthas; new rooms will be added as time and resources permit.Lastly, an enterprising young journeyman at the Skysteel Manufactory thought it would be helpful to provide us with mammets to assist in chores, and amusing to make said mammets as tiny replicas of Estinien Wyrmblood.

This has been a mixed blessing: while the mammets can at times be quite helpful, they also seem to have adopted a spirit of perversity, and frequently wander off-task to explore and to hide within the exhibit rooms, the library, and even the Curator's quarters. Guests are asked to keep an eye out for them, and to take note should you find them "on a journey" again.


Our Curator

Amelie Fortemps founded the Academie under the aegis of Lord Aymeric. Originally an Ishgardian-focused facility, the Academie has grown to encompass the presence and impact of dragons throughout the star.

Regarding the exhibit rooms Lady Amelie once said, "We try to bring an example of the actual place and events to our touring guests. Many guests may never see all these places."Our exhibit rooms are meant to be evocative, to give a feel for time, place, happenings... all with the main theme of 'what involved dragons here?'"If one person walks away with a greater understanding, we're doing our job---but I do hope that most, if not all, go home with that greater understanding... not just in their minds, but also in their hearts."

Our librarian

Moren Morkirk is an accomplished researcher and scholar, and keeps well-organized the ever-growing collection of books, scrolls, tomes, and various other materials our researchers and instructors require.

Our Dravanian Researcher

Ilone Windstrider is in charge of our exhibit that covers both Mor Dhona and Dravania.As a native of Tailfeather, Ilone has both a lively interest in, and many contacts for, dragon-knowledge in the region, and covers Mor Dhona as "the home of the father of all dragons."

Our Churning Mists Researcher

Valianarte Dzemael holds great passion for the works of the Landlords and Skylords in The Churning Mists, and all they accomplished. He also appreciates the role the Moogles played in retaining knowledge of history.

Our Azys La & The Yawn Researcher

Stephan Haillenarte works at the Skysteel Manufactory, and was instrumental in founding the Machinist job.His love of mechanical engineering combined with his sympathy for certain dragons in particular led him to the Academie. Both fascinations make him an able caretaker for our exhibit on Azys La and The Yawn.

Our Othard Researcher

Born in the Ruby Sea region, Rani Keeti has many contacts that make her a real asset in finding for the Academie both information and items throughout Othard.Her drive is relentless, and a certain representative of the East Aldenard Trading Company has been known to sweat with nervousness the minute Rani shows up.

Our Lakeland & Il Mheg (The First) Researcher

Qeshi Rae's interest in strange and unusual creatures led her all over the star, and eventually to managing an Academie exhibit room for lands she will never see.Her enthusiasm in this pursuit counters the frustrations she sometimes feels in creating an exhibit based solely off second-hand accounts, and she does her best to be as accurate as possible.

Our Thavnair Researcher

Nahbdeen Daemir brings unswerving dedication to documenting Thavnair's contributions to knowledge on dragons and their effects on world events in his homeland.

Our Ultima Thule Researcher

Honoris Banlardois exemplifies the same devotion to Coerthas and to the Fortemps family as her younger brother, Honoroit (who serves Emmanellain de Fortemps).When Lady Amelie issued a call for help with the Academie, Honoris was one of the first to volunteer.

Our Dark Throne (13th) Researcher

Brynn Anvesaka journeyed from Thavnair to be an ongoing liaison between the Thirteenth researchers there and our facility in Ishgard. He is imminently suitable for this role: not only is Brynn a veteran wanderer, but also, while born in Thavnair he has some interesting traveling trader relatives here in Eorzea.

Our Red Moon Researcher

Wind-up Corvosian accompanied Brynn from Thavnair to our facility. Yes, he is technically a mammet... but his entirely new prototype made him invaluable to us. Wind-up's intelligence and capability, plus his "toughness" in certain hazardous environments, make him an ideal contributor and collector for amassing information on the Red Moon and events there.

Our Facilities Director/Designer

Rohghers McNinth is a highly-skilled facilities and housing designer and builder, specializing in works that cater to large numbers of people with varying needs.

Our Hygiene Haven Designer

Zusu A'hammer is a widely-respected designer of bathing and hygiene facilities

Please note that if you wish to help our museum, our Retainers outside handle Donation purchases; all Donations go to maintenance of the museum and construction of new rooms; all Donations are VOLUNTARY. :)THANK YOU!(Also, please check the pricing carefully before clicking; we can't get them to list in price amount order on the Retainers' sales list.)

If you would like to see more in the Eorzean Museum Network, go to the link below and scroll down to see the member museum list, and click on a museum:

Amelie Fortemps

CURATOR: Lady Amelie is the daughter of Count Edmont's beloved younger sister, Ameliance. Lady Ameliance married, without family permission, stonecutter Draven Mills. She and her spouse subsequently died in a heretic raid on their village; Count Edmont adopted baby Amelie back into the family and gave her the Fortemps surname.Sharing her mother's penchant for rebellion, Amelie refused to follow Countess Fortemps's pressure to "become a proper lady," and instead divided her time between scholasticism and arms training. (She traveled to Limsa Lominsa for the latter, becoming an accomplished Warrior.)

Concealing his worries for her welfare, Count Edmont gave Amelie heartfelt encouragement to follow her dreams, allowing her to grow and bloom, and always bestowing his unswerving support and belief in her, as he did for her cousin Haurchefant, for whom she felt a special closeness as fellow "black sheep" in the family.Lady Amelie's personal losses fueled her drive to ensure, throughout this star, peace and cooperation between other peoples and dragons, for the betterment of all. Lord Aymeric eagerly seized her suggestion for an Academie and helped promote it to various backers, and later to world leaders. Organizations like the Sharlayan Gleaners and Thavnairian Great Work, among others, also assist the Academie in compiling and studying information.

Moren Morkirk

Moren Morkirk was born in Mor Dhona to keepers of a inn that catered to wealthier traders and travelers. By age four Moren pestered his parents so much to teach him to read and figure, they taught him the basics. He swiftly outstripped all they could teach, so they enrolled him in a local temple school. By age ten he had learned all the school offered, and his parents assigned him work in the inn.There was just one problem: Moren hated inn-work, and repeatedly got into trouble when the maids would catch him in guests' rooms reading whatever books they had with them. Finally a guest himself caught Moren in the act.Fortunately for Moren the aged scholar was pleased and astonished to find an inn-child devouring his copy of "Escaping the Wave: the Foresight of Nyumkrepf." Upon questioning the boy and seeing his passion for learning, the wealthy Lalafellan scholar offered to take the boy with him on his journeys to explore the great libraries of Eorzea.As the scholar was well-known from many prior visits as a kindly and honest person, Moren's parents eventually acceded to the request, and the boy returned to Ul'dah with his new mentor.Which was just as well, for in 1562 Moren's parents were killed in the Battle of Silvertear Skies. The now sixteen-year-old mourned their loss and the destruction of much of his homeland, but continued his studies which now included Thaumaturgy.When the childless scholar died two years later, he left his modest fortune to his ward. Moren used the funds to embark on a journey of his own, staying in various lands, always seeking new knowledge and new books. (During his time in Gridania studying with the Conjurer's Guild he wisely did not mention his previous studies in Thaumaturgy.)Moren was preparing to visit Old Sharlayan when the 7th Umbral Calamity struck; in his case it also wiped out his memory of his planned journey. Instead, he returned to Mor Dhona to work with the Students of Baldesion studying Allagan relics.

When Lady Amelie approached their researchers seeking someone to manage the new Academie's library, Rambroes immediately recommended Moren. Given the chance to amass and manage an entire library on such a vital subject, Moren eagerly accepted the position, and has performed admirably in it.Moren was intrigued to learn from a certain Scion of a "duplicate" living in a Shard, and hopes someday to meet his "twin" and compare notes and knowledge. As he loves to say, "No learning is ever wasted."

Ilone Windstrider

Born and raised in Tailfeather in the Dravanian Forelands, Ilone Windstrider brings a youthful verve and enthusiasm to the exhibit she manages. Never one to shun getting her hands dirty, she has spent much time digging for artifacts and journeying with helpful Sharlayan Gleaners through both Mor Dhona and Dravania.She also arranges for various researchers to meet with Vidofnir and other approachable dragons in Anyx Trine and surrounding areas. As journeying in those places can be quite dangerous, Ilone always hires adventurers to accompany any researchers, to aid and protect them. Her local contacts in Dravania prove most valuable on that score, as well.

As a child Ilone admired Ysale Dangoulain's goals, but as near-adult she questioned the methods used, and so abstained from joining the heretics. (Mainly, Ilone realized Nidhogg's role and goals were different than Ysale's, and that he had the greater power). Later as events played out and peace became possible, Ilone eagerly joined in the effort to make it a reality.

Valianarte Dzemael

Valianarte Dzemael is the youngest son of Count Tarresson de Dzemael. While Valianarte took up his father’s interest in stonemasonry and construction (a house specialty), his interest shifted to public works upon visiting the ruins in The Churning Mists.Awed by the lingering beauty of statues, buildings, and other structures there, Valianarte mourned that such a senseless war caused so much destruction. His heart said that if cooperation between dragonkind and other peoples could lead to such magnificence in the past, a new alliance could bring forth even more architectural wonders embodying the spirits of both.

With his father’s hearty approval, Valianarte joined Academie Draconis as their expert in The Churning Mists: his knowledge in the residents there, of past and present events, and especially, his interest in studying and restoring structures, all serve him well in his work.Many in the Dzemael family can be a bit aloof; Valianarte, while reserved most of the time, has a passion for this project and grows quite animated with enthusiasm when discussing the subject of his ongoing research.

In acknowledgement of the help the Moogles gave both in retaining history and at times working for Hraesvelgr, Valianarte included a section in his exhibit to give homage to their work; the rest highlights other parts of the zone and the major players in recent events there.

Stephan Haillenarte

Stephan (short for Stephanivien) Haillenarte has worked for several years for the Skysteel Manufactory, seeking to develop technology-assisted soldiers (the Machinist job class).Initially this caused problems with his father Count Barendoiun, who wanted Stephan to follow tradition (and two of his younger siblings) into knighthood, although eventually the Count accepted the worth of Stephan’s vision and work.

However, there were others who scorned Stephan’s desire to train any, commoner or noble, in the machinist arts… some insisting that arming commoners was seditious and in violation of Ishgardian order.Eventually the Machinists proved themselves, and Stephan’s resolve to protect all Ishgardians carried through to his students.House Haillenarte’s younger generation supports the goal of better lives for all, and the youngest son Francel had an especial impact in developing the Firmament as not just a rebuilding but also as an ongoing means of bettering lives in Ishgard.After achieving acceptance for Machinists and with how recent events played out, Stephan determined to further his “better lives” goal by assisting the Academie.His interest in technology made him a natural to run the Azys La and The Yawn exhibit, and his fascination with how the lives of dragons have threaded through the history of both places knows no bounds. He felt great pity for Tiamat, and was fascinated to learn more of Midgardsormr’s history, both of which he seeks to share as important knowledge for all.

Rani Keeti

"The only thing that is hard to find, is the thing you fail to look for" -- Rani Keeti learned the value of discovery at a young age in the Ruby Sea. Finding the best fishing spots, where the best oyster beds for pearls were, and even where misguided pirates hid their treasures.Raised in a small fishing village, she did all she could to help her family make ends meet. After her parents were lost at sea, she had to leverage her ability to find things to make her way. She found work with various fishing communities finding the best places to fish, and even worked with treasure hunters to find hidden pirate stashes.Eventually, she found herself working with the East Aldenard Trading Company, finding rare items to bring to the markets. It wasn't long before she discovered that uncovering knowledge was more valuable than tangible items. She became obsessed with learning, and had a fascination for dragons. Her contacts with the trading company introduced her to Academie Draconis, where she was offered an opportunity to help discover the wondrous secrets of dragonkind. Her contacts in, and familiarity with, information and trading markets gives the Academie invaluable extra resources.

Qeshi Rae

Qeshi Rae was born in Gyr Albania in The Fringes region (in the settlement of The Peering Stones). Having a wanderlust and boundless curiosity, at a young age Qeshi managed to smuggle herself into The Black Shroud, and then went on from there to wander the star. She supported herself mainly as a botanist and a miner, but also learned enough of the fighting arts to protect herself.While Qeshi learned a great deal in her travels, there was always something missing, something she had yet to find. She ended up working with the Students of Baldesion, and even spent some time on the Isle of Val before transferring back to their camp in Mor Dhona. Her interest in strange and unusual creatures fueled her work.When Qeshi learned of the existence of The First, it was as if a fire was lit within her. She only accepted the offer of employment with the Academie if she could be allowed to document, as best she was able, information about dragon analogs in The First, and to seek further information on whether they were simply a case of parallel evolution, or if indeed some form of dragonkind had journeyed there to become the progenitors of today’s dragon analogs as are found in Lakeland and Il Mheg. She has yet to find the answer to that question, but continues seeking it.Qeshi has one of the most frustrating tasks for a researcher: she is unable to go to the place she’s gathering information about, and thus must rely on accounts of others and any artifacts they are able to bring back. To that end she’s held many interviews with the Scions, who have helped her all they can.

Nahbdeen Daemir

Nahbdeen Daemir comes to us from Thavnair. The Daemir family founded the Great Work alchemy center and many of them continue working there and/or at the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya in Radz-at-Han. Nahbdeen greatly respects his family’s work but found he has no real aptitude for it. In his youth he divided his time between protecting with his fighting skills many traveling alchemists, and haunting libraries to further his knowledge of history.In particular he formed a passionate interest in the dragon of legend that was said to watch over Thavnair. When recent events revealed the truth, Nahbdeen’s joy knew no bounds: he sought audience with Vritra and discussed with the revered wyrm the problems the entire star faces in integrating the lives of dragonkind and other peoples, and in succoring suffering and lost dragonkind. Nahbdeen hopes to foster to the rest of the star the kind of peaceful coexistence and cooperation Thavnair has achieved.Vritra himself recommended Nahbdeen journey to Ishgard and join the Academie, to represent Thavnair’s history and current knowledge. While dragons are definitely the focus, in a portion of his exhibit Nahbdeen also paid homage to the role Thavnairian alchemists played in aiding the star.Vritra commented, “As thy name [Nahbdeen] means ‘Knower of Justice,’ it is meet that thou study and share the nuances associated with the meaning of thy name. ‘Justice’ was ever a complicated concept, and I trust thou wilt be ever-mindful of that. Thy humility and heart will serve thee well in pursuing this goal.”

Honoris Banlardois

Seeking to aid her family in the Brume, young Honoris persuaded a foreign merchant to allow her to travel with him to Mor Dhona. Once there she immediately applied to the Adventurer's Guild, learning various fighting arts in taking on the troublesome monsters outside the settlement. She rose in their ranks to become a trusted member of the guild; its leader, Slafborn, highly valued her loyalty and intelligence. She periodically sent what aid she could to her family back in Ishgard.When House Fortemps took in her younger brother Honoroit, freeing him from his indenture to a merchant and making him first Emmanellain's servant and then later his page, they earned Honoris's intense regard.On her infrequent visits to her brother, Count Edmont at first welcomed her as the older sister of the devoted page who helped keep his youngest son out of trouble... but soon came to value Honoris for herself, and for the many qualities she shared with Honoroit.

Honoris and Lady Amelie actually met on a quest in La Noscea, when both were working for the Adventurer's Guild. The two quickly found they had much in common, and became life-long friends.After events culminated in Ultima Thule, Honoris was moved by the plight of the dragon spirits there, empathizing with their feelings of lost family and home. She asked and was given permission to head the exhibit and research on that location, and obtained permission from the Sharlayans to go there herself and meet those spirits in person.

Since that time Honoris has brought her passion and skills to bear in collecting the history of these dragons and in seeking ways to aid and comfort them.

A "breaking the fourth wall" note:I was very saddened when I learned of the tragic loss of young actor Archie Lyndhurst, who voiced Honoroit in the English version of the game... and I made Honoris as a form of memorial and tribute to his memory. Our hearts go out to his family and loved ones, and we will forever treasure the depth Archie brought to his character.Likewise, Amelie is in many ways a tribute to Stephen Critchlow, voice actor for Count Edmont (and many Heavensward cutscenes); again, someone who strongly impacted our love of game and story, whom we lost. The "Fortemps Family" was hit hard in the English voice acting area; we remember the both of them with love and appreciation for the richness they brought to our experience of the story; fly high, the both of you!

Brynn Anvesaka

"Three brothers and a cousin, but like peas in a pod. That's what my mother used to say about the four of us."Brynn Anvesaka's mother had an even greater wanderlust in her veins than her Eorzean family. In Thavnair she met and married Brynn's father, an alchemist at The High Crucible of Al-Kimiya. On her rare visits back to Eorzea, she took young Brynn along with her, which is how he met his nearly identical cousins: Brandt, Brennan, and Bremondt. All three of them grew up to become kind-hearted traveling traders who've aided many a budding adventurer.

Young Brynn learned much of alchemy from his father, but the lure of seeking and learning led him to many distant lands; in his own way Brynn became something like a Sharlayan gleaner, finding new and interesting items and information for Thavnairian researchers to study and incorporate into their work.He brings this invaluable talent to his job with the Academie now... along with introducing to us to a new staff member: a very precocious mammet, who has charge of our Red Moon studies.

Wind-up Corvosian

Sharlayan is famed for the complexity of their mammets, and their researchers constantly seek to improve them. Wind-up Corvosian was constructed as part of a joint commission between Sharlayan researchers and the Hannish alchemists of The Great Work, a fusion of mammet, simulacrum, and warding scale technologies.

As to Wind-up's appearance, a certain red-haired Scion found himself pulled into an intense flurry of questions during a visit to The Great Work, when he made the mistake of mentioning his own foray to the Thirteenth alongside the Warrior of Light in the start of the Seventh Astral Era. His earnest and adventurous nature resonated with the research team and, to his chagrin, they fashioned their prototype in a likeness of his younger self.

“I often forget he’s a mammet,” Brynn said when introducing to our staff the engaging (and admittedly adorable) Wind-up. “He’s truly become a partner and a friend.” We agree---and so far as we at the Academie are concerned, no one is prying Wind-up away from us. His help is invaluable… but he is also a friend.

Rohghers McNinth

Rohgers was recommended to us by several concerns who have made use of his skill in designing/building facilities that service large groups of people, including Rowena's House of Spendors, and a certain quietly-known Limsa Lominsan facilitator of negotiations and agreements.The care and comfort of people using these facilities is Rohghers's driving concern, but he also bears in mind that beauty in an environment can lift the spirits... which is why he also brought in specialty hygiene haven designer Zusu A'hammer to take on that specific part of the project for us.Rohgers always takes into consideration that different people may have different needs for accessibility, and thus provides a plethora of design elements meant to meet the needs of a great many varied peoples and in various states of being.

In our guest sleeping quarters he decided to pay tribute to the Scions, who have done so much for so many, feeling that reminders of their labors may inspire others to do their own part, in whatever they may endeavor, to make the star a better place for all.

Zusu A'hammer

"Water is relaxing and refreshing; it cleanses not just the body but also the soul," Zusu says frequently.In his pursuit of seeing how every culture in the star builds beauty, form, and function into such facilities, Zusu has seen just about every way people can bathe, relax, and take care of necessary functions... but recently he found a new place for inspiration, and brought that back to what he calls our "Haven of Hygiene:""This place... it was amazing! So lovely, so peaceful... cares and worries I didn't know I had just eased into calm. As it was by the blessing of the Twelve that I got there, I chose to pay homage to that place and to them, in the room's design."

Some designers might find the small size of our available space for this facility taxing, but Zusu saw it as a challenge:"My goals were beauty, as much privacy as I could design in, and calm restoration for the users. I hope they find it refreshing and soothing."

Dragon Con Art Party!

Sponsored by Academie Draconis and the Eorzean Museum Network,
in partnership with the Dragon Con Video Gaming Track
Location: North America/Dynamis/Maduin/Empyreum
Ward 9/Plot 17
Date: Friday, August 30th
Time: 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm EDT (UTC -4)
Come join us for our crossover event with Atlanta's famous
Dragon Con
celebrating all things dragon! We have wonderful places for drawing, gposing, and museum exhibit rooms to view and explore, plus games with prizes!

  • Raffles

  • Trivia Contest

  • Hallway Costume Contest

Prizes will include gil, mounts, minions, wearables, barding, & other goodies!

Accessibility Consideration

Please be considerate of your fellow players who may have photosensitivity and/or have non-peak system/hardware specs and refrain from using big flashy effects. Yes, spell effects can be lowered or removed client-side, but it would be nice if we didn't put those folks in the position where they can't even see a friendly /dote.Please refrain from spamming. This includes chat messages and sound-effect emotes (e.g. if Lalas want to have a collective "WAH!", please gather a reasonable distance away from the main crowd and ensure your emote-log text is turned off). Text/emote spam, SFX spam, and VFX spam can all be overstimulating, overwhelming, and may trigger underlying conditions in your fellow players.Chat spam can also interfere with contest activities and staff running them.

Sprout Access

Are you a sprout in ARR or Heavensward and haven't gained access to the Empyreum yet?Don't worry--you can still attend! We are deploying our special transportational-assistance mammet, Wandering Aetheryte', to the starter city-states! She does tend to wander a bit, so you may find her in Limsa Lominsa, New Gridania, or Ul'dah in their respective Aetheryte plazas. She will be accepting your Friendly Requests for attunement; once accepted, you will be able to teleport to the estate.*Note that the player handling this for us may be getting into game just a little bit after 8pm start time, so if you can't find her at first, try again after a bit.*Also Note she has an apostrophe at end of name: Wandering Aetheryte'There are two ways to attune to Wandering Aetheryte':
Face to Face: Find her in person, target her, and send a Friend request.
Social > Player Search: Find her by name and send a Friend request.
To estate teleport to the venue:
1. Open your Friends List.
2. Right-click for PC, Square for Playstation, and X for Xbox controllers while selecting Wandering Aetheryte' name.
3. Choose "Estate Teleportation" and then "Free Company Estate".
Estate Teleportation Rates:
New Gridania -> Academie Draconis 157 gil
Limsa Lominsa -> Academie Draconis 261 gil
Ul'dah -> Academie Draconis 288 gil

What is Dragon Con and Why Are We Doing This?

Dragon Con is the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction & fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe. Hosted annually on Labor Day weekend in Atlanta, GA this convention is home to a burgeoning Final Fantasy XIV community!The Dragon Con Video Gaming track is hosting multiple events and panels in-person at the convention; however, they acknowledge that many who would love to attend and participate are unable to do so. Therefore, they have partnered with the Eorzean Museum Network to bring the love of FFXIV and Dragon Con to the wider world through in-game events!


Game/Contest Rules and Info

Raffle: Periodically we will hold a few raffles throughout the night using a random roll system; when a raffle is called, do /random in /say chat to roll; one entry per person.

Trivia Contest: We will call out when we're doing trivia questions. Please do not use web-searching for answers! Trivia will mainly be FFXIV/Dragon Con/dragon related.

Hallway Costume Contest: based on a similar Dragon Con event.
You will need to complete and submit a Google Form to enter! (See link button below; note you will have to log into your Google account to complete the form.)
About mid-way through the Party, we will call for contestants to go with Chimalmat Tikal to her FC Room for photos: she will take a pic of you in your cosplay and add it to the form you filled out. You can pre-submit your form before the Party (and it would be helpful if you do).We will be taking cosplay photos for approximately 45 minutes; please help us keep the photography running smoothly and quickly. You must get an at-party photo taken by Chimalmat to be entered, so please pay attention to when we call for entrants to go get pics done!

Costume Contest Theme:
Cosplay any anime or video game character.
On the form you will need to provide your entrant FFXIV character's name, name of the character you're cosplaying as, and an image of the latter (eg. if you're doing Link from Zelda, put in an image showing WHICH version of Link you're cosplaying).